13. Quiz: Ice Cream (3-6)


Ice cream is one of the most versatile desserts on the planet because it can be done up so many different ways. Using logical operators, write a series of complex logical expressions that prints only if the following conditions are true:

  • if flavor is set to vanilla or chocolate and
  • if vessel is set to cone or bowl and
  • if toppings is set to sprinkles or peanuts

If the above conditions are true, then print out:

I'd like two scoops of __________ ice cream in a __________ with __________.

Fill in the blanks with the flavor of the ice cream, vessel, and toppings. For example,

I'd like two scoops of vanilla ice cream in a cone with peanuts.

TIP: Make sure to test your code with different values. For example,

If flavor equals "chocolate", vessel equals "cone" and toppings equals "sprinkles", then "I'd like two scoops of chocolate ice cream in a cone with sprinkles." should be printed to the console.

Your Code:

Start Quiz:

 * Programming Quiz: Ice Cream (3-6)
 * Write a single if statement that logs out the message:
 * "I'd like two scoops of __________ ice cream in a __________ with __________."
 * ...only if:
 *   - flavor is "vanilla" or "chocolate"
 *   - vessel is "cone" or "bowl"
 *   - toppings is "sprinkles" or "peanuts"
 * We're only testing the if statement and your boolean operators. 
 * It's okay if the output string doesn't match exactly.

// change the values of `flavor`, `vessel`, and `toppings` to test your code
var flavor = "strawberry";
var vessel = "cone";
var toppings = "cookies";

// Add your code here


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